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Why swimming is good for joint stiffness

Why swimming is good for joint stiffness


Are you experiencing joint stiffness and trying to find the best way to stay active (without overexerting yourself?) If so, swimming may just be the answer!

Let’s take a closer look…

Why swimming is good for the joints

Swimming – whether it’s 40 lengths or just a bit of energetic splashing – is a brilliant way of exercising in its own right and can be a phenomenal option if you’ve got stiff joints. That’s because swimming gets your entire body moving against resistance through a full range of motion while simultaneously being very low-impact.

In other words, going for a swim strengthens your muscles, cardiovascular system and connective tissues, gets blood pumping around your joints and can aid joint flexibility, all without the jolts and impacts of something like going for a run.

Of course, there are plenty of ways of getting active in the pool and enjoying these benefits besides simply swimming laps. Here are a few different exercises to try next time you’re in the pool…


If joint stiffness means you’re not too keen on going for regular strolls, you could really benefit from walking in a mildly heated pool.

Water reduces the effect of gravity, so the impact on your joints is much lower, allowing you to get your strolls in while still being kind to your joints. Plus, the heat helps to relax muscles and reduce stiffness.

Arm circles

This exercise is great for stretching out the shoulders and supportive tissue and helping to relieve tension.

Simply keep your head above water and raise both arms up until they are just below the surface. Keep your elbows straight. Make circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size. Make sure your arms don’t come out of the water or cross each other.


Try a simple side-stepping exercise to improve agility and ease of movement.

To begin, stand in at least waist-high water and face the pool wall. Take between 10 and 20 slow sideways steps with your toes facing the wall. Repeat in the other direction.

Knee lifts

To perform this muscle-strengthening exercise, stand with your back or side against the pool wall. Bend one knee and bring your thigh as parallel to the water level as you can. Straighten your leg and then bend it again. Lower your leg back down, keeping the knee bent. Repeat with the other knee.

Star jumps

For this exercise, begin in chest-high water with your feet together and hands by your side. Jump with your legs in a starfish position and bring your arms upwards, just below the water’s surface. Return to your starting position and repeat as many times as comfortable.

Our top tips for looking after your body in the water

  • Stay hydrated. Dehydration is very unhealthy and can affect your whole body negatively, including your joints. Even though it may not feel like you’re sweating, you need to ensure you stay hydrated when in the pool.
  • Take your time. Leave enough time for a decent warm-up and cool-down. If you’re feeling tired one day, be kind to yourself and don’t overdo it.
  • Listen to your body. If you feel like you’re overexerting yourself, or if something feels wrong, make sure you stop and take a break. Consider switching to a different exercise that feels better, or even getting out of the pool if you’re experiencing discomfort.
  • Think about your supplies. Kickboards and pool noodles – available in most swimming pools – can offer added support. Boards allow your upper body to take a rest while you keep your legs active. And pool noodles give some added buoyancy.
  • Talk to your doctor. Always be sure to discuss any concerns you might have with your GP.
  • Most importantly… have fun! The key to living a healthier lifestyle is finding health-promoting activities that you genuinely enjoy and want to stick with.

Getting support with iMOVE Active

iMOVE Active is our triple-action joint support formula for both men and women, packed with high-quality ingredients to help you lead your most active life.

Subscribe today and enjoy 50% off for your first two months of iMOVE Active, and 30% off every month thereafter!

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