Tell us your dog's name!
What kind of dog is %PETNAME%?
How old is %PETNAME%?
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How is %PETNAME% doing weight-wise?
Super! Now let's focus on %PETNAME%'s tummy health...
Thinking about %PETNAME%'s digestion, any concerns like:
Choose as many as you like
Does %PETNAME% turn %GENDER_POSSESIVE_PRONOUN% nose up at some foods?
Awesome. Now let’s continue to Joint…
Is %PETNAME% a working dog?
( Do they herd, guard, assist people, or similar?)
How's %PETNAME%'s energy these days?
Any concerns about:
Thinking about %PETNAME%'s mobility, do you notice:
Choose as many as you like
How would you rate %PETNAME%'s stair-climbing skills from 0 (couch potato) to 10 (mountain goat)?
How does %PETNAME% handle getting in and out of the car?
How active is %PETNAME% throughout the day?
Does %PETNAME% love a chewy bite more than a tablet?
Great! We now know %PETNAME% better and how to keep %GENDER_OBJECT_PRONOUN% in tip-top shape. Now, time to take a big-picture view of %GENDER_POSSESIVE_PRONOUN% overall health…
Is there anything about %PETNAME%'s teeth or gums that worries you?
Choose as many as you like
Do you brush %PETNAME%'s teeth regularly (like every other day)?
Perfect! Let's dive into skin and coat next…
How's %PETNAME%'s skin and coat doing?
Any worries about:
Does %PETNAME% strut %GENDER_POSSESIVE_PRONOUN% stuff in dog shows?
Hang tight! We're nearly there. Just a few more questions before we whip up %PETNAME%'s tailored advice…
How’s %PETNAME%'s mood?
Notice anything such as:
How anxious is %PETNAME% on an everyday basis, on a scale of 0 (zen master) to 10 (panic puddle)?
Thanks for your help! We're cooking up %PETNAME%'s special recommendations, just for %GENDER_OBJECT_PRONOUN%…
First name
Email address