Paws for Thought: The joy of doggy adoption
Our resident top dog and national treasure, Peter Purves, has recently adopted Vivienne, a senior Pekingese
The most recent member of our family is adopted. Kate and I were approached by a friend who couldn’t continue to care for their dog, so we gladly volunteered to give her a good home. Vivienne, a beautiful Pekingese dog became part of the family three months ago.
My wife and I have always kept Pekingese dogs, so we’re familiar with their behaviours and traits and we knew that she would be welcomed by the wider pack, fellow Pekes Max and Lillie and our Dachshunds Bertie and Teddy.
Rehoming a dog is one of the most rewarding things an animal lover can do. And, in the current climate, it is incredibly important. The pandemic has seen dog-ownership skyrocket. According to the RSPCA, this rising demand has seen puppy importation increase by 52% YOY with illicit breeders exploiting people's desire to own a dog, resulting in poorer animal welfare.
We’re seeing record levels of dogs being stolen in the UK by criminal gangs who are selling them on the blackmarket. It’s tragic to think of dog’s being traded in this way and it needs to stop, especially when there are animal rescue centres across the country who desperately need to find forever homes for our furry friends.
If you’re thinking about bringing a dog into your home, then why not consider adopting one? Here are my paws for thought:
Ensure you’re ready to adopt
Don’t adopt blindly. You might think that you’re doing something wonderful, but in fact without the preparation, you will be doing the opposite. Make sure there is a match between what the dog needs and what you can offer it. Here is a handy guide that contains some of our expert advice for anyone thinking about adopting.
Get to know the dog before you bring it home
There are a myriad of reasons why dogs find themselves in rescue centres. All dogs are unique and not every dog that is taken in by a rescue centre will have been mistreated, but you should understand the dog’s life story, history and behaviour. Animal rescue centres will be able to provide you with this information.
Understand the needs of the breed
Understand what type of dog you are adopting. Visit the Kennel Club website to see how they group breeds of dogs and find out more about what the dog needs before making a decision. If you don’t like how a Terrier behaves, don’t get one. If you can’t provide a Border Collie with 6 miles of exercise a day, then think about an alternative. Find a dog that will match your lifestyle.
It's not a beauty contest
Don’t base your decision on looks. As dog owners, we all think that our dogs are the most handsome or prettiest. You will fall in love with the dog anyway.
Don’t get frustrated
If you’re adopting a dog that is previously owned, it will have developed partially. It may well be trained, it may not. It is likely that the dog will not respond to all of your commands at first. These behaviours can be eradicated by spending quality time with your dog and training it.
Last summer, we launched #RescueYourRescue where we raised thousands of pounds to give animal rescue centres vital funds to keep operating during the pandemic. As well as donating, you can help them further by adopting a dog.
Do something marvellous, adopt a dog.
Peter Purves