The importance of a healthy microbiome for dogs
Are dental sticks necessary for dogs?
Golden Retriever sitting next to flowers

5 tips to promote overall oral health


When you think of ‘good oral health’ your mind probably doesn’t go straight to your dog – who just moments ago might have been licking the kitchen floor or trying to drink from a puddle in the garden.

The truth is even well-mannered canines aren’t usually known for their minty fresh breath. But why shouldn’t they be? After all, it’s never too late to ‘teach an old dog new tricks’, and there are great benefits to keeping your pet’s mouth clean and healthy.

In fact, good oral health can have a significant impact on your dog’s overall health and wellbeing, as bad bacteria from the mouth can spread and affect the rest of their body.


YuMOVE Dental Care Daily Clean Dental Sticks

YuMOVE Dental Care Daily Clean

  • Tasty dental treat cleans the surface of teeth, freshens breath and helps prevent plaque and tartar build-up
  • With natural seaweed
  • Gentle on tummies, yet tough enough to take on your canine's canines
  • Suitable for dogs over 6 months old

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Here are just a few tips to help promote good overall canine oral health...

1. Start paying attention to your dog’s oral health as early as possible

Because puppies are naturally so upbeat and energetic, you might be tricked into believing that they’re bulletproof. After all, they seem to think they are. Unfortunately, though, many of the chronic health issues that can hound your hound throughout their life, actually begin early on.

Dental health issues aren’t just a matter of your dog’s breath being extra pungent, either, or even of them developing the occasional cavity. Chronic dental issues can cause harmful bacteria to enter your dog’s bloodstream and lead to issues affecting the organs.

Good canine dental health begins with regular cleaning sessions and check-ups, ideally from as early in life as possible.

Labrador running down path with tongue out

2. Put your dog on a tooth-friendly diet

It’s well known that a diet high in sugar and processed foods wreak havoc on human teeth, and the diet dogs eat impacts their dental health, too.

Dry food such as crunchy kibble can have a mild cleaning effect on teeth, caused by the physical effect of the kibble rubbing against the surface of the teeth and reducing the build-up of plaque. Good dental chews and high-quality, teeth-friendly bites will also provide an abrasive effect on the tooth surface, therefore helping reduce plaque build-up.

Make a point of feeding your dog a nutritious, well-balanced diet, and go easy on sweet and highly processed treats.

3. It’s important to brush your dog’s teeth at home

Canine dental care can – and should – involve regularly scheduled veterinary dental checks and more. But there’s no getting around the fact that brushing your dog’s teeth is one of the indispensable cornerstones of good oral health.

Here are a few things to know about brushing your dog’s teeth…

Most dogs aren’t keen on having their teeth brushed at first, but they can be trained to cooperate with you
Dogs need to avoid human toothpaste – human toothpaste often contains ingredients like xylitol that are toxic to dogs
There are different dog toothbrush styles, including ones that fit over your fingertip – if in doubt, ask your vet for their recommendations and try a few different varieties
Always brush teeth away from the gumline – food particles should be brushed out and removed instead of being pushed further into the gums
Take it slow and gradually get your dog used to the process – you may need to begin by brushing just a few teeth at a time
Speak to your vet about how often they recommend brushing your dog's teeth

4. Get your dog’s teeth professionally checked at regular intervals

Even with a meticulous diet and a regular toothbrushing routine, some plaque is still bound to build up in your dog’s mouth over time.

Most vets will recommend that you take your dog in for an annual dental check-up, where your vet will examine your dog’s mouth and give advice about their dental health. In some cases, they may recommend that your dog has a ‘dental clean’ under general anaesthetic – a procedure that involves your dog having their teeth inspected, cleaned, and descaled under the gumline, and then polished. Your vet might also advise about whether there are any teeth that need particular attention or removal.

Red retriever eating a YuMOVE Dental Care Stick

YuMOVE Dental Care Sticks Dental Sticks

Dental Care Sticks

  • Innovative dental care regime developed by veterinary scientists
  • Suitable for dogs of any size or breed, from six months of age
  • Tasty dental sticks, made with natural ingredients

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5. Give your dog a high-quality canine dental stick

The world of doggy dental sticks is a confusing place, with products dramatically ranging in quality.

At their worst, canine dental chews can be pretty dubious and potentially unhealthy. At their best, though, they can be great additions to your furry friend’s oral health regimen.

YuMOVE Dental Care Sticks  have been developed by veterinary scientists to provide a truly innovative addition to your pet’s dental regime. Our unique ActivBarrier™ technology is designed to create a barrier along the teeth and gums. The active ingredients target the bad bacteria and support the naturally good bacteria, promoting a healthy oral microbiome. The flexible spiral shape is designed to maximise contact with the tooth surface, helping to reduce the build-up of plaque and tartar.

And that’s the tooth of the matter. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Are you looking for an edge when it comes to helping support your dog’s oral health? If so, shop our dental care for dogs range today!

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