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Happy agility dog

YuMOVE are proud sponsors of Agilitynet!

At YuMOVE, we’re always on the lookout for great partnership opportunities that allow us to further our mission of helping every dog live their most active life, for life.

At the same time, the sport of canine agility is something near and dear to our hearts, and has been a focus of ours since we first began working on our original game-changing pet supplements.

It’s for these reasons we’re doubly pleased to announce our sponsorship of Agilitynet, one of the leading online resources for all things canine agility, since 1998.

Our history with canine agility

From the very beginning of our journey, YuMOVE was created with the needs of canine athletes in mind. Whether in supporting agility dogs in running, jumping and weaving effortlessly, or helping them recover with ease, our story has always been interwoven with the agility scene.

We attended our first agility show all the way back in 2009 – International Agility Festival – where we supported the needs of the canine athletes present.

Most recently, we became proud partners of British Agility in 2021 and an official sponsor of Crufts 2022. In 2022, we also became the official joint supplement of the American Kennel Club, sponsor of the AKC USA World Dog Agility Team.

Jumping dalmation

The Agilitynet story

Agilitynet has been around since 1998, as a one-stop resource for all things canine agility, started by agility veteran Ellen Rocco.

The site is dedicated to drawing the global agility community closer together, in addition to helping spread improvements in training techniques while promoting best practice in the sport of agility as a whole.

Agilitynet also serves as a source of news on the key developments within the agility scene, ranging from show listings and cancellations, to training workshops, club and private trainer listings, and more.

About Ellen Rocco

Ellen Rocco, the creator of Agilitynet, first fell in love with the sport of canine agility almost by accident, when she took her Poodle to a training class and found that – although her dog was doing really well – they were becoming bored with the usual commands.

In Ellen’s words,

“I asked my trainer, Kevin McNicholas, if he could suggest something else that we could do together. And the rest is history. I started a beginners' class at Trent Park DAC (Enfield) and never looked back.”

The dream team

As part of our work with Agilitynet, we’ll specifically be sponsoring the interactive ‘Show Diary’ and ‘Find a Club’ features of the website, in addition to their ‘Judges A-List' and the 2022 Senior Agility League.

While we’re very proud of every aspect of this sponsorship, the 2022 Senior Agility League has a special place in our hearts. That’s because we believe canine agility is such a great pastime, it should have no age limit. By supporting the over 55’s in the league, we want to do our bit to encourage people and pets of all ages to stay active, energised, and passionate for life.

To those competing in the league, we at YuMOVE would like to wish you all a very heartfelt best of luck!

We can’t wait to get started, and we’re excited to see what the future holds!

Dog weaving between obstacles

How do the ingredients in YuMOVE support agility dogs? A Q&A with YuMOVE Co-Founder, John Howie

How does Green Lipped Mussel specifically help agility dogs?

“With canine agility, you're getting a combination of impact, twisting function, landings – and so you’re going to get some stiffness that comes with that. The Omega-3 component of Green Lipped Mussel is helping to keep that in check.”

What about Glucosamine?

“Standard Glucosamine hydrochloride supports the structural elements of the joint, while N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine is the immediate precursor to Hyaluronate and chondroitin which supports cartilage”

How does Manganese help?

“Manganese is there to support tendon and ligament strength – it's an important micronutrient in joint strength and structure, specifically around soft tissue.”

And antioxidants Vitamins C & E?

“The reason we have higher levels of antioxidants in these products is – and this is true of humans and dogs – when you’re exercising, you’re burning oxygen. That creates something called a ‘free radical’ which causes oxidative stress. Essentially, that’s an oxygen molecule that's had some of the electrons pulled off, so it becomes reactive inside your system. Higher levels of the antioxidants Vitamins C&E neutralise these free radicals and protect from oxidative stress. They're to help support agility dogs that are exercising hard.”

And finally, how does Hyaluronic Acid help?

“Hyaluronic Acid is part of the cushioning fluid in joints. It helps to maintain the thickness and volume of joint fluid, which sits between the ends of the bones and stops them rubbing against each other. This lubrication and cushioning is an extra focus in agility dogs, as their joints work so hard landing, running, turning and twisting.”

[This Q&A was taken from an interview with YuMOVE Co-Founder, John Howie, conducted on 17th February 2022.]

Have you ever taken part in canine agility, or are you interested in giving it a go? Reach out through our Instagram and Facebook pages with any questions or thoughts!

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