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Can Dogs Get Hay Fever?


Did you know dogs can get hay fever? In this dog hay fever guide, learn the signs of canine hay fever and read our 5-step plan to help ease their allergies. Remember, spring is when you might begin to see the signs of dog hay fever....

Longer days in spring and summer days spell longer walks in the countryside, more sunbathing in the garden, and epic games of fetch. Though the possibilities for outdoor antics may go up with the good weather, spring and summer aren't necessarily great news for all dogs. That’s because many suffer from hay fever – just like us humans.

Dog frolicking in a meadow

Signs your dog has hay fever

What are some dog hay fever symptoms?

If your dog is showing any of the following signs, they might be experiencing a dog grass or pollen allergy - essentially doggy hay fever.

  • Itchy paws - licking, nibbling, or biting at their paws

  • Rubbing their face on the furniture or the floor (sometimes it looks like they are just enjoying themselves... but that may not be the case)

  • Red or watery eyes

So how does hay fever affect dogs, and how can we help dogs struggling with it?

Dog hay fever explained

How dogs develop hay fever and pollen allergies differ to the ways in which humans are triggered. Dogs can develop hay fever when pollen is taken in via their skin. Our furry friends also demonstrate a very different reaction to getting hay fever, too. Your pooch endures an arguably worse fate: all-over-itches. When a dog has itchy skin it can not only be irritating for them, but can also create sores, making their skin become more painful.

This is because when a dog has an allergic reaction in their skin, the histamines released by the body in response to pollen are released in the skin. This is what can make seasonal allergies in dogs hard to spot, and uncomfortable to endure.

Dog hay fever – allergies are not just a summertime affliction

Dogs in spring time

Much like in humans, symptoms of canine hay fever can begin in April and can last until late summer. Frolicking in a grass-pollen-rich meadow this spring and summer, with high pollen counts, could leave your pet with a persistent itch from a pollen or grass allergy.

As well as grass, our canine friends can be sensitive to tree pollen which can start to become an issue from as early as February, check out this annual pollen guide. So start keeping an eye out for itching and scratching from late February and early March.


How to help with dog hay fever

Luckily, if you think your dog may be prone to hay fever, there’s a lot you can do to help. Here is our 5-step guide to beating your dog's pollen allergy:

  1. Fight the fleas – Dog flea allergies can really exacerbate skin problems, and it is sensible to treat them promptly. As well as avoiding infestation in your home, you must treat fleas immediately to avoid more serious skin problems.
  2. Brush daily – As well as a good brush down every day, remember to carefully comb or cut out matted hair. Any lumps or clumps can hold dirt and debris, which is uncomfortable for your pet.
  3. After-walkies wipe down – Wipe your dog down with a damp towel after they've been out in the grass – this helps to remove pollen trapped in your dog's coat. Another way to help is going for a walk early in the morning.
  4. Pamper and bathe – Bathe with a shampoo designed to soothe irritated skin. But remember not to bathe too frequently – you don't want dry eyes, or to dry out your dog’s skin.
  5. Boost their skin’s natural defences
  6. Don't forget your vet! – If you're worried about your dog's health, be sure to book a visit to the vet.

    Omega oils boost the skin barrier 

    YuMOVE Skin & Coat Care Itching is a premium quality supplement for dogs prone to feeling itchy. The right blend of Omega 3 and 6 oil can really help itchy dogs who scratch a lot – and our premium cold-pressed oils are recommended by vets to help reduce your dog's urge to itch, and to calm their sensitive skin.


    What activities do you and your furry friend most enjoy outdoors ? Are these ever affected by skin allergies? Independent of dog hay fever, you can try our YuMOVE Skin & Coat Care Itching product to ease seasonal or general itchy skin.

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