Cats are famous for being serial snoozers, and sleep twice as much as humans do. On average, a cat will sleep for 15 hours a day, and may regularly clock up as much as 20! But exactly how much is too much, and when does it point to a potential problem? We’re telling all…
What’s the normal amount of sleep for a cat?
How long a feline snoozes for will largely depend on its age. Here’s the breakdown…
Kittens are known to sleep for most of the day, and are at their most energetic for a short while after they’ve eaten.
Adolescent cats
Adolescent cats are a bit like teenage humans, and can display erratic patterns of sleep along with random bursts of extreme playfulness.
Adult cats
An adult cat is likely to have fallen into a more regular pattern of sleep, and will sleep an average of 12 to 20 hours a day.
Senior cats
Naturally, an older moggy will have less energy and will likely be up and about less, so they will sleep more.
So why do cats sleep so much?
It might seem strange to think of your furry kitty as a hunter, but that’s exactly what it is. Cats have evolved to sleep for long periods of the day, because in the wild they’d need to conserve their energy for hunting down prey later on. It’s true, our beloved moggies don’t need to hunt, but the instinct remains.
Do cats dream?
Yes – cats do dream. Humans dream when they enter what’s known as the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state of sleep – usually around 90 minutes after we fall asleep. Cats also experience this, and you might notice your feline twitching, snoring or making squeaking sounds when they do. For the majority of their sleep, though, they will be in a light, dose-like sleep.
When should I worry?
Focus on changes in behaviour and patterns, as opposed to fixating on the amount of hours of shut-eye your cat is getting. If you notice that your feline is snoozing considerably more or less than usual, this could be a sign that something’s wrong, and it’s time to visit the vet.
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