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Dog zoomies explained


Who’s zooming who?

Have you heard about dog zoomies? Hint: it’s not about those times when your dog photobombs your Zoom meeting, nosing your screen out of the way so they can get more comfortable on the sofa.

Zoomies are something else altogether – they’re energetic, in-your-face, and larger-than-life. Let’s take a look.

YuMOVE dogs let loose!

You spin me round

Dog zoomies are those crazy moments when your pup just takes off, spinning around in circles at high velocity, apparently spurred on by nothing at all. They look like they’re having the best time, chasing their tail.

And while they’re undoubtedly enjoying this quick burst of energy, when your dog’s in zoomie mode, the last thing they’re thinking about is what else is around them. If they’re indoors, you might find that precious ornaments are in danger of being swept off tables in the frenzy.

Playing zoomies with a big bear

Frenetic Random Activity Periods

Delightfully, there’s even an official name for dog zoomies: Frenetic Random Activity Periods aka FRAPS. This term only seems to apply to dogs, although we reckon you’d probably generate a similar effect if you gave a small child a large bag of sweets.

What causes dog zoomies?

Given that your dog’s unlikely to be on a sugar high due to chomping their way through a bag of toffees, what causes this crazy spinning behaviour?

Zoomies are usually simply a release of pent-up energy, although they can also be a sign of stress. Here are a few of the most common scenarios:

  • Zoomies in the morning – If your dog’s been sleeping in a crate, they could be so delighted to be released into the wild again that they just can’t help zooming around.
  • Post-bath zoomies – some dogs are overcome with a desire to zoom after a bath, either because they’re relieved that the washing has stopped or as a particularly energetic way to shake themselves dry.
  • Stir-crazy zoomies – if your dog’s been shut up in the house all day and has missed their regular walk, they might resort to circular racing to work off some of their excess energy.
  • Freedom zoomies – if your dog gets stressed at the groomer’s or at the vet’s, they might express their relief afterwards by running around in circles.
  • Bedtime zoomies – if your pup still feels full of beans at the end of the day, they may indulge in some pre-bed zoomies to get rid of some energy, so they’re ready to relax and sleep.

Nothing to be worried about

In general, dog zoomies are no cause for concern. Although dogs of any age can exhibit this frenetic behaviour, puppies are most likely to indulge in a FRAP and are also very likely to grow out of them.

However, if your adult dog is usually quite placid and suddenly starts zooming around, it might be worth taking them to the vet to check that there’s no underlying issue that’s causing these bursts of activity.

How to prevent dog zoomies

As most bouts of dog zoomies are due to excess energy, the best preventative action you can take is to make sure your pup has regular walks. Mental stimulation will also ensure that your dog’s mind is occupied; a dog that’s focused is less likely to suddenly zoom off and race around. For example, you could play games with your dog, take part in training sessions together, or teach them new tricks.

Can zoomies contribute to joint stiffness?

As zoomies are generally over in a few minutes, it’s not likely that they will have a long-term effect on your dog. However, jumping and running around will put some additional pressure on their joints. As always, speak to your vet if you have any concerns.

Physical activity is one of the key ways our dogs express themselves and interact with the world around them. Consider giving your dog YuMOVE Joint Care to help them continue leading their most active life, for life – full of walks, play, and zoomies!

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